The Constitution tightly defines what the federal government is allowed to do, and must not do.
It also defines what the states can and cannot do.
In the eternal incremental process of assuming more power, the federal government always seeks to do more, and if it is not resisted and rebuked, it adds that new power to its normal routine and continues to seek more.
The Constitution gives each branch of government, including the states, tools to protect its domain against encroachment. Each unauthorized expansion by the federal government takes freedom away from the citizens of the country, and usually makes things worse in the area they are trying to “help”. So the encroachments need to be resisted.
James Madison and Thomas Jefferson were very clear on the need for the states to stand against this illegal expansion of federal power, and the fear of it was the main obstacle to the creation of the United States. Their fears were well-founded.
When the states do not protect their citizens against abuses arising from this steady encroachment and the harmful policies thereby enacted, what can “we the people” do?
That is the question.
Freedom. You can handle it.. but hurry!
What says freedom any better than the wide open skies
and the rugged mountains of the American west?
“Do you love your country?
What little thing can you do to help save your country?”
— attribution